Bottled Brains??
I want you to imagine a dystopian world...
Imagine a society that has a preoccupation with the physical body. Imagine, that when trading, this world uses images of the body in a superficial way to sell goods. Imagine the species that live in this world. Imagine that when these beings hit adolescence (the height of bodily change and therefore insecurity) their own ideas of physical perfection are formed (Am I skinny enough? Curvy enough? Muscly enough? Young enough?) Imagine this world where the people who live in it are obsessed with the superficial form, forgetting the functionality of their own bodies.
Sound familiar?? OK, so we're still a few years from 'bottled brains' but you get the idea...
Our bodies hold memories. They respond to emotion before our consciousness has had time to interpret situations. Our bodies are amazing. They can tell us so much - if we are willing to listen.
The body scan meditation is one way we can start to reconnect with our physical form. By focusing on each area of our body in turn, we can start to notice what it is telling us. If you want to try this, simply find a quiet space where you can lie down and listen to the audio meditation below then afterwards, ask yourself the following questions:
1. What struck you?
2. What did you notice?
3. Did any specific part of your body call out to you?
4. What was it like to be open to your body?
5. What does 'relaxation' mean in terms of your body?
6. How do you typically approach your body?
Take this time to enjoy getting to know your body again :-)
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