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Watch the storm pass

This blog post and audio meditation is written for some fabulous kids I work with (You guys know who you are)...

Emotions can be difficult sometimes. If we feel scared or nervous or angry or sad, it can sometimes take a hold of us. Our bodies can become tense. Our breathing shallow. We can fight against the emotion: "I shouldn't feel this way!" or can be scared that, in that moment, the feeling will never leave us.

I want you to start thinking about your emotion as different types of weather. Your happiness could be a bright sunny day. Your sadness could be a dull, grey, rain cloud. Your anger could be a dramatic thunderstorm with fork lightening.

You see, we know that the weather never stays exactly the same. The sun might push through the rain or, after days of drought, an electric storm might rear its head. Just like our feelings... You won't feel angry forever. Your sadness will pass. Your worry might change to happiness again. So, in our most difficult moments, be reassured that it won't stay that way forever.

The meditation below is designed for children to start understanding the changes in weather and link this to the changes in emotion.

Before I go... Some things to remember:

1. It's normal to feel anger / worry / upset sometimes - Everyone does!

2. The feeling will pass - You won't feel like this forever!

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